The first and for years the most titled kennel breeding Czechoslovakian wolfdogs. We do not breed for "several dozens of years" but our kennel has already many prestigous achievements. Czechoslovakian Wolfodog - Czechosłowacki wilczak - Československý vlčak - Tschechoslowakischer Wolfhund - Cane Lupo Cecoslovacco - Chien-loup tchécoslovaque - Perro lobo checoslovaco - Československý vlčiak - Чехословацкий влчак - Tsjechoslowaakse wolfhond

2004.04 - Pies (PL)

04.2004 "Pies"
Nr. 4 (306) 2004

Merry Bell z Molu Es

2004.03 - Dog Observer (PL)

03.2004 "Dog Observer"
Nr. 01.2004

Beau Isabeau z Peronówki + Bisu z Peronówki + Botis z Peronówki + Berserker z Peronówki + Balrog z Peronówki + Banshee z Peronówki + Jolly z Molu Es

2004.02 - Mój pies (PL)

02.2004 "Mój pies"
Nr. 2 (149) 2004

Bolton Eden severu

2003.01.16 - BSY (Best story of the year)

Let me please introduce myself: Philippe BESCOND, 45 years-old, living with my dogs (Siberian Huskies and Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs) 150 km north from Paris (France) and working as a laboratory technician for a pharmaceutical group near Paris.I dream for new Csv for a long time, one male and one or two females.I had already took contact with some breeders, found on the site, when I pay attention to the first litter born in Poland, under the 'z Peronowki' affix. I negociate with Przemek and Margo Peron for the last available male of the litter.

2004.01 - Le Bonhomme Picard (FR)

01.2004 "Le Bonhomme Picard"

Anubis Wolf z Peronówki

2004.01 - DogObserver (PL)

01.2004 "DogObserver"
Nr. 2/2004

Jolly z Molu Es + Merry Bell z Molu Es + Bolton Eden severu + Aegis Wolf z Peronówki + Amber Wolf z Peronówki

2004.01 - Kinolog (SI)

01.2004 "Kinolog"

Jolly z Molu Es

2003.12 - Pes Přítel člověka (CZ)

12.2003 "Pes Přítel člověka"
Nr.12 2003

Aset Voodoo Wolf z Peronówki + Andariel Wolf z Peronówki + Jolly z Molu Es

2003.12 - DogObserver (PL)

12.2003 "DogObserver"

Nr. 1/2003

Jolly z Molu Es + Merry Bell z Molu Es + Bolton Eden severu + Aegisa Wolf z Peronówki, Amber Wolf z Peronówki

2003.12 - Katalog hodowli - Psy rasowe w Polsce (PL)

12.2003 "Katalog hodowli - psy rasowe w Polsce"
Nr. jesien/zima 2003/04

Andariel Wolf z Peronówki + Aset Voodoo Wolf z Peronówki + Jolly z Molu Es + Merry Bell z Molu Es + Amber Wolf z Peronówki

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