The first and for years the most titled kennel breeding Czechoslovakian wolfdogs. We do not breed for "several dozens of years" but our kennel has already many prestigous achievements. Czechoslovakian Wolfodog - Czechosłowacki wilczak - Československý vlčak - Tschechoslowakischer Wolfhund - Cane Lupo Cecoslovacco - Chien-loup tchécoslovaque - Perro lobo checoslovaco - Československý vlčiak - Чехословацкий влчак - Tsjechoslowaakse wolfhond

2003.11 - Mój pies (PL)

11.2003 "Mój pies"
Nr. 11 (146) 2003

Bolton Eden severu

2003.11 - Mój pies (PL)

11.2003 "Mój pies"
Nr. 11 (146) 2003

Andariel Wolf z Peronówki

2003.10 - Pes Přítel člověka (CZ)

10.2003 "Pes Přítel člověka"
Nr.10 (48) 2003

Jolly z Molu Es + Merry Bell z Molu Es

2003.09 - Gazeta Lubuska (PL)

09.2003 "Gazeta Lubuska"
Nr.??? 2003

Jolly z Molu Es

2003.08 - Press (PL)

08.2003 "Press"
Nr.7 (90) 2003

Merry Bell z Molu Es + Jolly z Molu Es database

On 5th November 2002 at 24:05 it became true: the database passed 5000 dogs mark. It became one and only (almost complete) source of information about czechoslovakian wolfdog. But what was its beginning?The database came into being in beginning of year 1999 as part of web pages of our first wolfdog (probably the only one who has had his website long before he came to home of his prospective owners Wink ).

2003.02 - Pes Přítel člověka (CZ)

02.2003 "Pes Přítel člověka"
Nr.1 (48) 2003

Merry Bell z Molu Es

2003.01 - Die Tageszeitung (DE)

01.2003 "Die Tageszeitung"
Nr. 25.01.2003

Anubis Wolf z Peronówki

2002.12 - Pes Přítel člověka (CZ)

12.2002 "Pes Přítel člověka"
Nr.12 (47) 2002

Jolly z Molu Es

2002.06.23 - 'Dog of the year 2002' competition - Roudnice (CZ)

On Sunday morning took place, probably, one of the most interesting CzW dog shows. What makes it different from other shows? Mainly rules. There is no split into classes, all dogs are splitted only based on gender.

JOLLY z Molu Es & JERRY LEE z Molu Es

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